
how to delete steam screenshots

How do I delete all Steam screenshots at once?

View – Delete In the first (from left to right) of the "Select All" commands, you can " Delete" all screenshots at once (the penultimate key).

How do you delete a steam post?

Deleting discussion forums, topics, threads, and posts

  1. Click Delete Thread from the context menu of the thread you want to delete.
  2. Important When you delete a post, the system also deletes any replies to that post.
  3. Click Delete Post from the context menu of the post you want to delete.

Can you delete steam status?

Yes, you can delete your account.

Can you delete a post on Blackboard?

You can edit or delete your own posts only if your instructor has made those options available to you. You cannot edit or delete others' posts. If you post a message in error and the option to delete it is not available to you, contact your instructor.

Can a student delete a submission on blackboard?

You may find that you need to clear a submission made to a Blackboard Assignment link. It is not possible to clear a submission if the assignment is anonymous. This option is not available when anonymity is selected. The submission attempt cannot be retrieved or recovered after it has been deleted.

How do I delete a forum post on Moodle?

To delete a post from the Forum follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Forum within the course.
  2. Select one of the Discussion threads within the Forum.
  3. Find the post that to be deleted. Click "Delete" to delete the thread/post.

How do you delete a saved draft on Blackboard?

Access the Display menu and select Drafts Only to view the saved post. Select the draft's title to open the Thread page. While you view your post, point to it to view Edit and Delete.

How do you delete an attachment on blackboard?

Remove an attachment

  1. From Site Manager, find the app you want to edit.
  2. Edit the record and find the attachment.
  3. Select Remove.
  4. Select Yes and Save.

What does mark for removal mean in Blackboard?

Use the Mark For Removal tool to delete drafts before submitting.

When you save a draft on Blackboard where does it go?

When posting to a discussion board in Blackboard, you will see that you have a "save draft" button located next to your "submit" button. If you begin to create your post and need to step away, you can click to "save draft" and Blackboard will save what you have entered for you to go back to later and finish.

How do I recover unsaved blackboard?

No need to panic! Use the restore function in the recycle bin to easily restore your page….Restore deleted pages

  1. Navigate to the Site Manager.
  2. Select Recycle Bin.
  3. Select Restore to restore deleted pages.

How do I post a saved draft on Blackboard?

Blackboard (Students) – Assignments: Submit a Saved Draft

  1. Click the Assignment link in your course (ex: Writing Assignment link in Week 1 course folder)
  2. You will see a screen that shows your saved submission/new attempt.
  3. On the next screen, you should see any original attachments you had saved.
  4. Then click the Submit button to finalize your submission.

How do you edit submissions on blackboard?

After you add content, open the menu and select Edit to make changes or add more content. You can edit settings for the files you've added. Select a file in the editor and then select the Edit Attachment icon in the row of editor options. You can add a Display Name and Alternative Text.

Why is a blackboard closed unexpectedly?

Tests in Blackboard may be set to close automatically when the time limit is reached. If not, be aware that exceeding the time limit may result in a grade of zero for the test.

Can blackboard tell if you leave the page?

It can only detect if you are working on a proctored test or using a lockdown browser. With a proctor software, Blackboard can detect the switching of tabs or cursor movements away from an active tab. However, it cannot tell what you are doing on the other tabs.

How do you edit on blackboard?

Editing Content in Blackboard

  1. Action button. To edit content on Blackboard, find the content you wish to edit and click on the action button beside it.
  2. Menu. When you click on an action button a menu will appear.
  3. Make your changes. Having clicked on Edit you will be able to change the item you have chosen.
  4. Submit.
  5. Overwriting a file.

Can I edit my thread on blackboard?

Edit a thread You can edit posts in any thread. If a student added inappropriate or inaccurate content, you can edit the post. When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts.

How do I edit a post on Blackboard discussion board?

Edit or delete replies

  1. Open a thread in a forum.
  2. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions.
  3. Select Edit or Delete. The delete action is irreversible.
  4. When you edit, the page expands so that you can make edits in the editor while you view the original post.
  5. Select Submit.

Can you edit recordings in Blackboard Collaborate?

Edit recording names From the Collaborate scheduler, select Recordings and find the recording you want. Open the Recording options and select Recording settings. Change the name and select Save.

Where do Blackboard Collaborate recordings go?

Record your Blackboard Collaborate Ultra sessions so that your participants can access presentations whenever they need them. Stop and restart whenever you need to, and when finished, locate them to share. Recorded sessions are compressed and saved as MP4s. Recordings include activity in the live session.

Is there a way to speed up blackboard recordings?

By default, to speed up, press D, and to slow down, press S.

Can you speed up recordings on Blackboard Collaborate?

WHAT'S NEW: – Works on all global BBCollab sites – Added new speed options If you prefer watching lectures at faster or slower speeds but your university uses Blackboard Collaborate, this is the extension for you! It allows you to change the speed to 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, and 2x.

How long does it take for Blackboard Collaborate recordings to appear?

Click on the menu on the left hand side and click on recordings. Be aware that your recording will not show up automatically. It will take between 10 minutes to an hour after recording to see your recording pop up here, so plan accordingly.

How do you accelerate on safari?

Check that the extension is enabled by opening Safari's extension preferences: Safari > Preferences > Extensions. In the sidebar on the left, make sure the checkbox next to "Accelerate" is checked. If Accelerate is already enabled, try unchecking the checkbox and restarting Safari.

How do I download Blackboard Collaborate recordings?

Go to Recordings and click on the Recording Options (ellipses sign) adjacent to the recording you wish to download. 6. Click Download. After the download (MP4) has completed, look in your Downloads folder on your computer for the downloaded session.

how to delete steam screenshots


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