
Word Lord – a simple but fun Windows Phone word game

No statement here. There is a vast selection of word games available in the Windows Phone Store and many of them are entertaining, enjoyable and addictive titles. Discussion Lord is a fairly new word game offer that hopes to join the ranks of the must take Windows Phone games.

The game is basically a hidden word game that has ii gaming modes and iii boosters to aid you along the way. Graphics are minimal and in playing Word Lord for a brusque fourth dimension, it comes across as a fun word game to laissez passer the time with. Word Lord is available for low memory Windows Phones.

The principal menu for Word Lord greets you with options to choose between the two gaming modes, start game play and pull upwards additional menu items from the three-dot menu. The additional items includes viewing the leaderboards, viewing a aid screen on the boosters, accessing the game's options and viewing the About screen. Gaming options include setting your nickname, muting the sounds, choosing one of three themes (Daytime, Nighttime and Body of water) and choosing your linguistic communication.

The two gaming modes with Word Lord include a timed game and a movement limited game. The timed game challenges you to place as many words from a 5x5 filigree of letters in two minutes. The move limited game besides has yous identifying as many words equally possible from the grid simply you are limited to 10 moves. The longer the word, the more points earned and your words have to exist at to the lowest degree three letters long.

Simply tap and elevate your finger along the messages to create the words with horizontal, vertical and diagonal connections being allowed (cannot back trace).

As you create words, the letters used will exist removed from the playing field and new letters will fall into place. Boosters line the lesser of the screen that can be used to assistance you lot create larger words and score more points. These boosters include:

  • An X mark that will remove one letter from the field of your pick
  • An asterisk that volition create a universal alphabetic character at a selected place
  • A Plus Marker adds 10 seconds or one move to the game

Every bit you complete games, the points you score are banked and can be used to buy additional boosts.

Game play isn't much different than whatsoever other find a give-and-take blazon game. The movement limited mode adds a overnice claiming to the mix in that y'all actually need to hunt downward longer words to make the almost of your ten moves. This mode is more of a concentration game with the time game is one of reflex or speed.

Overall Impression

The more I played Word Lord, the more than the Windows Phone game grew on me. The game doesn't have many bells and whistles but the simple design makes Word Lord well suited for short gaming spurts every bit well as longer gaming sessions. The game is just a squeamish, clean looking, challenging Windows Phone game. I accept to agree with one of the Windows Phone Shop reviews that Word Lord is a real time killer.

The 2 gaming modes complement each other and the theme options are a nice bear upon to offer upward a little multifariousness in the game's appearance. It'south difficult to discover anything to complain almost with Word Lord. The game ran smoothly, was challenging plenty to avoid becoming stale and the graphics were nicely fatigued up. Word games may not be your cup of tea but if they are, Give-and-take Lord a title worth adding to your Windows Phone gaming library.

Download Word Lord for Windows Phone (Complimentary)

QR: Word Lord


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