
Untappd gets image uploading restored, allows you to once again share your brews

It was way dorsum in May when the official Untappd app arrived for Windows Phone 8. The popular beer social network is certainly a niche service, just 1 that is growing in popularity. While the app itself is a PhoneGap release, meaning it's not natively coded for Windows Telephone, information technology is nonetheless better than nothing.

Tardily last night, version 1.i of the app finally went live in the Store and information technology brings along with a handful of fixes, including the ability to upload images (which was bankrupt) and the capacity to share to Twitter and Facebook.

The app itself has not changed in any pregnant mode as far every bit nosotros can tell, meaning it is however non a native app and as a event, it doesn't take a Live Tile. That's a flake of a shame, but for beer drinkers at least everything is working as we were able to checkin with an IPA.

If you're not a fan of the PhoneGap Untappd app, you can take solace in Tapped, a natively coded third party app that is in individual beta at the moment. Nosotros've been using Tapped as our chief checkin for the beer network and nosotros can pass along that it is coming along at a quick pace.

The developer, Chris Millar, has been pumping out updates at a steady pace (nearly every other twenty-four hour period) and it shouldn't be as well long earlier we tin can announce its public availability. That app should go a long mode in giving Windows Telephone users yet another unofficial app that is amend than the official one, natch. You lot can read more than almost that app in our before report.

For the moment, y'all can take hold of the official Untappd v1.1 app hither in the Store. Windows Phone 8 but.

Thanks, bellyer, for the tip

QR: untappd


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